
Keyboard Events

You can use key modifiers to listen to specific keys. Modifiers are appended to the event name using a dot:


You can chain multiple key modifiers together:

<input type="text" :keydown.slash.k="console.log('keydown.slash.k')" />

For key values that have multiple words like BracketLeft, except for arrow keys, kebab case is used:


The following are the available key modifiers:

Type Key Value Modifier Usage
Digits (0-9) Digit1, Digit2 1, 2 :keyup.1, :keyup.2
Letters (A-Z, a-z) KeyA, KeyB a, b :keyup.a, :keyup.b
Numpad (0-9) Numpad1, Numpad2 1, 2 :keyup.1, :keyup.2
Arrow Keys (up, down, left, right) ArrowLeft, ArrowRight left, right :keyup.left, :keyup.right
Meta (left, right) Meta, MetaLeft, MetaRight meta, meta-left, meta-right :keyup.meta, :keyup.meta-left, :keyup.meta-right
Alt (left, right) Alt, AltLeft, AltRight alt, alt-left, alt-right :keyup.alt, :keyup.alt-left, :keyup.alt-right
Control (left, right) Control, ControlLeft, ControlRight ctrl, ctrl-left, ctrl-right :keyup.ctrl, :keyup.ctrl-left, :keyup.ctrl-right
Shift (left, right) Shift, ShiftLeft, ShiftRight shift, shift-left, shift-right :keyup.shift, :keyup.shift-left, :keyup.shift-right
Symbols (., /, =, etc.) Period, BracketLeft, Slash period, bracket-left, slash :keyup.period, :keyup.bracket-left, :keyup.slash

Array Methods

Here are the custom array methods which are available for you to use:

  • first - returns the first item in the array. Usage: array.first
  array = ['Cherries', 'Chocolate', 'Blueberry', 'Vanilla']
  array.last // returns 'Vanilla'
  • last - returns the last item in the array. Usage: array.last
  array = ['Cherries', 'Chocolate', 'Blueberry', 'Vanilla']
  array.first // returns 'Cherries'
  • search - returns an array of items that match the query. Usage:'query')
  array = ['Cherries', 'Chocolate', 'Blueberry', 'Vanilla']'c') // returns ['Cherries', 'Chocolate']
  • toggle Usage: array.toggle('item')
  • add - adds an item to the array if it doesn't exist. Usage: array.add('item')
  array = ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']
  array.add('Tag 5') // returns ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4', 'Tag 5']
  • remove - removes an item from the array if it exists. Usage: array.remove('item')
  array = ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']
  array.remove('Tag 2') // returns ['Tag 1', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']
  array = array.remove('Tag 2') // Remove an element and force a re-render
  • nextItem - gets the next item in the array. Usage: array.nextItem('item')
  array = ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']
  array.nextItem('Tag 2') // returns 'Tag 3'
  • previousItem - gets the next item in the array. Usage: array.previousItem('item')
  array = ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']
  array.previousItem('Tag 2') // returns 'Tag 1'


Mini events are based on the browser's native events. Most of the time you'll be using :click, :change, or :press, but the full list is here:

  • :click - This will trigger when the user clicks on the element.
  • :change - This will trigger when the user changes the value of a form input.
  • :press - This will trigger when the user:
    • triggers the click event.
    • triggers the keyup.enter and events.
    • triggers the touchstart event.
  • :clickout - This will trigger when the user clicks outside of the current element.
  • :keyup.up - This will trigger when the user presses the up arrow key.
  • :keyup.down - This will trigger when the user presses the down arrow key.
  • :keyup.left - This will trigger when the user presses the left arrow key.
  • :keyup.right - This will trigger when the user presses the right arrow key.
  • :keyup.enter - This will trigger when the user presses "Enter".
  • - This will trigger when the user presses "Space".